Search Engine Optimized Copywriting for Every Website

Your company rocks! You know it, we know it, but does your website visitor know it? Not likely. Truth is, we all think we write killer emails, love letters, and company reports, but writing for the online world is a total different ball game. You've got to know how a website visitor thinks, acts, what they want, and how they want it.
The success of your site hinges on conveying how awesome your company's people, products, and services are. Professionally written content makes the right impression on visitors and inspires them to contact and recommend you.
Our goal is to make your website more engaging, interesting, and persuasive. To convey the 'awesomeness' of your company, your expertise, passion and unique value in the market.
So You're Ready For Some Content?
Professionally written content is not only important to us, but of extremely great value to you. Content is King, but only great content is the true ruler of them all.
For this reason we include a set amount of professionally written copy for free with all our web design projects.
Content Packages For SEO
The best way to increase your SEO (Search Engine Optimized) rankings is by updating your website regularly. Not only do search engines love this, but people do to. It's an ideal way to get your customers coming back and engaging with your company on a regular basis! We accomplish this by:
Blog Posts
Blog posts are a great way to interact and engage with your readers, to attract more visitors - but in a much lighter tone. Some ways in which blog post can help your website:
- Engage your readers and connect with potential customers online
- Keep your customers updated with company news, promotions and other important information
- Entice potential customers with informative industry-related posts
- Give your company a ‘voice’ and create a more personal approach for your business
- Subtly promote the products and services that you want to get out there into the public realm SEO Articles
SEO Articles
SEO articles are a great way to increase your online presence and grow your link popularity. Articles are submitted to the top article directories after they have been written, to increase visibility in the Search Engines.
SEO Mini
R 545 monthly
- 1 Blog Post
- 1 SEO Article
SEO Standard
R 945 monthly
- 2 Blog Posts
- 2 SEO Articles
SEO Advanced
R 1,795 monthly
- 4 Blog Posts
- 4 SEO Articles
Need more info? Want to start a project?
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