Who We Are

We're not just your average web geeks, super code ninjas, or technical wizards. No. We're so much more. We are... plain ol' REGULAR people!
Regular people with an extraordinary passion. A passion for websites, for business, for helping businesses succeed, and building quality relationships with people.
What We Do When We Aren't Working
We sing, we dance, we compete in sports. We read, we write, we raise children. We ride motorbikes, play squash, and we've been known to drink a beer or two. We enjoy a lekker braai, traveling across our beautiful South Africa and indulging in too much coffee. We love family, friends, music, art and camaraderie.
Why All This Matters
As you can see, we're just regular people with regular hobbies and interests. Like most businesses, internet marketing is all about relationships, and because we're not just geeks whose only relationship is with a laptop, we're the perfect fit for you.
Being regular is our super secret power! It enables us to understand there's more to life, more to business, and that everyone and every business is unique. We know how to communicate like humans and promise not to confuse you with techno babble (although a word or two might slip out every now and then).
Great things happen when people come together with enthusiasm, transparency, imagination and trust. This is what we aim for when meeting every client and why it matters that you know who we are, and not just what we do.
Need more info? Want to start a project?
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